Protect your revenue with instant buyer verification

Eliminate uncertainty by verifying buyers instantly. Safeguard your revenue.

Verify buyers with one click

Buyers verify themselves with our smart, lightning fast verification feature.

Decline orders confidently

Ship orders to genuine customers and reject orders from buyers who fail the verification process.

Built into your workflows

Merchants can automate buyer verification checks if orders reach a specified risk threshold.

What is Buyer Verification?

Even with Spotrisk, retailers sometimes receive risky orders that are not clearly fraudulent or safe to ship. These orders often represent a significant revenue loss if an incorrect decision is made to either approve or reject the order.

It's a tricky situation; you don't want to fall victim to a scammer, but you also do not want to turn away a genuine customer.  

→ Spotrisk's Buyer Verification feature enables retailers to confirm that the customer is who they say they are.

Simply click the 'Verify buyer' button on any flagged order in Spotrisk. The buyer then receives an email asking them to quickly confirm some information about their order that only a genuine buyer would know. Based on the outcome of the verification, the merchant is notified that the verification was either successful or unsuccessful and the order can be approved or rejected.

"Chargebacks hurt. The rise of online fraud is here, we are seeing more “swindlers” getting creative on how fraud is being conducted online. It does not matter if you sell low or high ticket items, we have made it mandatory at Zyber to install Spotrisk with every client. Reviewing orders is not something business owners have time to do."

- Zyber CEO, Leonardo Garcia-Curtis

Spotrisk is your complete risk management solution

Customer block & allow lists

Block known-fraudsters permanently, or build a whitelist so your best customers don't have their orders flagged.

API access

Want more functionality? Extend and customise Spotrisk to suit your unique business needs with API access.


Verify a buyer's identity with the click of a button using Spotrisk's buyer verification feature.

Escalation services

Our fraud experts are always here if you need them. If you're particularly unsure of an order, escalate it and we'll take a look.

Weekly risk summay

Our live dashboard lets you see how much fraud Spotrisk is blocking, and how much you're saving in the process.

Dedicated customer support

We're available to help Spotrisk users via chat, email and phone support. Get in touch if you need anything.

Ready to protect your business?

Connect your ecommerce store free, in just a few clicks.
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